Iron Sulphate Application Rates



Iron sulphate can be applied to your lawn and will provide 3 key benefits, depending on the amount you apply:

  1. Turn your lawn green
  2. Harden your lawn and make it resistant to disease
  3. Blacken and kill moss

If you are looking for somewhere to get your iron sulphate, check out Pro Kleen iron sulphate via Amazon here

To apply your
iron sulphate, follow the below steps:

1. Measure Your Lawn

You need to work out how big your lawn is to work out how much iron sulphate to apply. The easiest method to do this is to pace up your lawn and then across. Then times the two together to get a rough size in square metres. The amount doesn’t need to be perfect, you just need to be roughly correct.

2. Decide What You Want to Do

Next, decide what it is that you would like to do and from this, you have the amount of grams you need to apply per 10 square metres.

You have the options of:

  1. Turn your lawn green - 10g per 10 square metres
  2. Harden your lawn and make it resistant to disease - 20g per 10 square metres
  3. Blacken and kill moss - 40g per 10 square metres

3. Calculate the Quantities

Now that you know the size of your lawn and what you want to carry out, you need to calculate the amount of iron sulphate and the amount of water required. 

When calculating the amount of water, you need to ensure that you are going to mix the iron sulphate with enough water so that it can be spread evenly across your lawn. If in doubt, use more water when mixing it. This will mean you need to pass over your lawn more times, but it guarantees that you spread it evenly. 

These are a guide and you should always follow guidance on packaging.

Try the calculator below to work out how much iron sulphate and water to use for your lawn

4. Mix the Iron Sulphate and Water

Here are a few tips for mixing your iron sulphate:

a. Away From Your Lawn

When mixing your iron sulphate, do this away from your lawn. You want to avoid accidentally spilling a pile of iron sulphate onto it, as it is designed to be lightly spread across the whole lawn, rather than in a concentrated patch.

b. Gloves

Iron sulphate needs to be handled with care and it is strongly recommended that you wear gloves when handling it. Ideally, you will wear nitrile gloves, but any gloves are better than none. 

c. Warm Water

To help the iron sulphate dissolve, use water that is lukewarm/tepid. Iron sulphate is applied in cooler months, so this makes sure it is dissolved properly. 

d. Separate Bucket

Make sure that you mix the iron sulphate in a different container to the sprayer that you use. When mixing, there is some residue that will not dissolve and can clog the sprayer, so it is best mixed separately. With the amount you will be using, it is best to do this in a bucket.

e. Stir

Once you have your water in the bucket, pour in the iron sulphate. Then thoroughly stir in the iron sulphate until the mixture has turned cloudy (it may still appear grainy too).


5. Fill Your Sprayer

Once you have mixed your iron sulphate in a bucket, you need to pour this into your sprayer. When pouring in the iron sulphate mixture, make sure that you leave the last residue in the bucket. If you leave around a cup full of water in the bucket, that should make sure you don’t pour in the residue.

6. Apply the Iron Sulphate

Now the sprayer is full, you will want to apply the iron sulphate mixture to your lawn. To do this, pass over the lawn and spray on the mixture. Remember that the full amount of the mixture will need to be applied, so keep passing over your lawn until the mixture has gone and aim to spread this as evenly as possible. 

Try to get some sort of method when applying the iron sulphate mixture, whether this is doing it in stripes or segmenting your lawn. Also make sure to overlap when passing over the lawn and make sure that you don’t miss any spots.

When you have applied the iron sulphate, check out the guidance on
removing moss

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