How Often to Mow



If there is one thing you remember about mowing your lawn, remember the Golden Rule:

The Golden Rule:

Never cut more than ⅓ of the height of the blade of grass (this decreases to ¼ on new lawns) 

Lawn Mowing Height

The frequency of your mowing will be dependent upon how quickly your lawn is growing. You will be mowing most frequently during the peak growing season and less outside of this. The frequency of your mowing should be linked to the GOLDEN RULE, but these dates below should give you an indication of how often to mow.

Spring - every 7-14 days

Once you have done your first cut and got the lawn down to the correct height, then opt for 7-14 days. Keep an eye on this though, because the rate of growth can pick up quickly and you may need to move to your summer schedule. 

Summer - every 4-7 days

Growth is fastest in the summer so you will need to cut more regularly then - once a week at least. The exception to this is if there is a drought during the summer. 

Summer (drought) - every 14 days

When there has been little to no rain, you will want to reduce mowing considerably as the lack of rain will mean the rate of growth is reduced. You will want to keep your lawn longer and growth will slow down dramatically, so reduce the mowing to fortnightly. 

Autumn - every 7-14 days

The growth will slow down as you move into autumn and get nearer to winter, so the cutting can reduce to once a week or fortnight. 

Winter - never

During the winter months, the grass growth will be minimal and any mowing will likely damage the lawn, so stay off of it. 

When you are cutting the lawn, you want to cut the lawn regularly but minimise the amount of height you take off the lawn. So stick to the
GOLDEN RULE and keep it little and often.

If you want to receive reminders on how often to cut your lawn, sign up to the Lawn Club.

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