Essential Tools



If you are new to lawn care, then this guide is perfect to getting you all set up and ready to go. We will cover the basic tools that you need to start your journey to your perfect lawn.

Lawn Mower

The work that you will be carrying out more often than any other will be mowing your lawn, so getting a lawn mower that is right for you and your lawn is essential. For a full guide on this, you can find it here

Lawn Mower
Edging Shears

Most people will know that you need to mow your lawn to keep it neat and tidy, but not so many will know that you need to take care of the edges, which is where your edging shears come in. You can see more information about them in the Buying Guide.

Edging shears are a great option for when you have an
open edge on your lawn.

Edging Shears
Edging Iron (Half Moon)

The edging iron is used to cut at the edge of your lawn, which could be to neaten up an open edge or regular use on a closed edge. This is designed to cut not only the grass but also the soil along with it to create a new, clean line to the edge of your lawn. You can see a little more about them here.

Edging Iron
Sprinkler/Hose Pipe 

In the summer, you will need to water your lawn to keep it green and healthy with the best option being to invest in a sprinkler. To see what best suits you, take a look here

You will see a guide on watering your lawn in the
advice area and how often to do it in the Lawn Calendar

Lawn Rake

A rake will be important throughout the year to remove any dead grass and thatch from your lawn. You can normally pick this up for £10 or even less and they will make a huge difference to the appearance of your lawn. 

You will see a guide on how often to do this in the
Lawn Club and how to rake your lawn in the advice area.

If you are looking for a rake, try out the Draper Carbon Steel rake on Amazon

Lawn Spreader

Throughout the year, you will need to regularly apply treatment to your lawn and these are the best way to do that. You can see more information on these here.

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